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Factory direct sales novices, please be sure to read this announcement 1. MOQ 2. Countries and regions 3. Logistics costs and entry ports 4. Customs clearance costs 5. Country import policies 6. Legal procedures and customs clearance documents

Story by confit-network.com Updated 2020-11-21

Factory direct sales novices, please be sure to read this announcement 1. MOQ 2. Countries and regions 3. Logistics costs and entry ports 4. Customs clearance costs 5. Country import policies 6. Legal procedures and customs clearance documents

For more about factory direct sales and bulk delivery of large packages, you can directly communicate with the customer service center online. Enter this link: :: http://chat.lystreet.cn/php/app.php?widget-mobile :: Online communication service hours: Monday to Saturday AM 9:00 ~ PM 19:00 Other times, you can click on the contact us page to add SNS customer service message communication. Thank you for your visit and support. I wish you all the best ~

6. Legal procedures and customs clearance documents: According to the import process of the country where you belong, you should first familiarize yourself with the procedures and prepare the documents and submit the materials according to the procedures. Our customer service will provide reference files and assist in organizing documents, and importers will assist in organizing documents

5. Country's import policy :: Each country has different restrictions or prohibitions on imported goods, which must comply with the import policy of the country concerned. The tariff ratios of different commodities are also slightly different. Our customer service will provide reference documents and import methods, find out the plan and submit it to the customer, and the importer will coordinate the documents.

4. Customs clearance fees: Customs clearance rates start from 0.5% or more according to different commodities. We will provide reference values.

3. Logistics costs and port entry :: Regarding factory direct sales, large quantities of goods, logistics costs will be calculated separately, and we will provide them to customers after calculating the costs. The tax rate and method of each entry port are slightly different, please choose the most suitable port.

2. Country area :: Please inform your country and city in order to calculate the logistics cost.

1. MOQ: Generally, we will set the MOQ for each item, size and unit price. For products that require customized wooden boxes or double-layer packages, the MOQ can be negotiated with customer service and sent in batches to avoid risks.

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